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第58届Intel ISEF中国参赛项目:中国长江中幼年江豚的脆弱性


华中师范大学第一附属中学  高二  张万祎




Vulnerability of Newborn Freshwater Porpoise in China's Yangtze River


Animal Science

Zhang Wanyi 17, No.1 Middle School Attached to Central China Normal University

Yangtze finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientialis, is a unique, endangered freshwater cetacean species in the Yangtze River in China. Mortality of newborns of the porpoise is obviously higher than other ontogenetic stages. Aims of this study are to find out interior reasons and exterior factors that cause the problem, with which, more effective conservation strategies are going to be drawn.

Process of ontogeny of social behavior and echolocation in two newborn calves in captivity was observed and analyzed by means of direct observation and using digital camera, video camera, high frequency sound recorder, etc. By the experiment of ship noise play back, influence on social behavior of the newborns by ship noise was tested.

It was found that the newborn was deeply relied on the mother and closely tied with the mother during the first month. It could be demonstrated that the mother-calf distance was always rather close and the mother-calf eye contact appeared quite often when swimming and surfacing. No exploring behavior was found till the 21st day and no echolocation signal was recorded till the 27th day. Its behavior was strongly influenced by the ship noise, which could possibly break down the mother-calf link.

Two conclusions were drawn through this project. One was the discovery of a bug during the ontogeny of social behavior and echolocation, namely, the first month of newborn calf is a very vulnerable period. The calf totally relies on the link with the mother since its poor ability of exploring and adaptability, and no echolocation produced in this period. It is the interior reason of the high mortality. The other was that it has been proved that the mother-calf link in the vulnerable period could be broken down by the man-made ship noise, which becomes the exterior cause of the problem. Based upon the conclusions, it is recommended that prior strategy could be to prevent the mother-calf link from broken in the early stage of the breeding season.

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